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How do I cancel a flight with PAL?

How do I cancel a flight with PAL?

Travelers always prefer to schedule a flight on that day when they will surely be free. However, situations force them to cancel Philippine Airlines flights; for example, business meetings, illness, etc. are postponed. Hence, this raises a concern related to the flight cancellation process. So, below are the ways to complete the process; please take a look:

Cancel Philippine Airlines flight Reservation Online

  • Visit the official website of PAL (
  • Tap on Manage Booking option.
  • Enter the ticket details, such as name, last name, PNR Number, and search for your flight. 
  • Click on the “Edit your flight” option. 
  • Click to cancel your flight, complete a refund form, and submit it. 

Philippine Airlines ticket cancellation policy

It is always suggested that passengers canceling their flights be aware of the cancellation policy.

  1. Flights, those that are adjusted or canceled in a span of 24 hours of the booking, will not be charged a cancellation fee.
  2. The non-refundable ticket holders may not get a tab to cancel a flight and fill out a refund form. Instead of a refund, some mile points can be offered. 
  3. If your flight is canceled by the airline only, you need not to worry. The airline will either arrange you with another flight or a refund. 
  4. If a flight is canceled beyond a set limit, the airline will impose cancellation charges. 
  5. If you want more clarification, you must approach the assistance team via phone call. 

How much does it cost to cancel a flight on Philippines Airlines?

Generally, the Philippine Airlines cancellation fee begins from $200 and can go up to $600. However, the charges are based on the timings you are canceling the flight. 

To know the updated canceling charges, dial their helpline number 1 (800) 435-9725 and pose your concerns once you are connected with the airline. 

What happens if the flight is Canceled by Philippine Airlines?

There are two conditions: one is when you cancel PAL flight ticket and request the airline to initiate a refund, and the second is when the airline itself cancels the flight due to some technical error, poor weather, etc. Hence, in this case, a few scenarios can take place; consider reading out the points:

  1. You may get a rescheduling of your flight option. (You can also refuse to board the plane and ask for a full refund).
  2. A full-fledged refund can be offered by the airline in case of a flight canceled by the airline. 
  3. You may also receive compensation from the airline if your flight is delayed and canceled without any authentic cause. 

How much is PAL compensation for flight cancellation?

Suppose the airline cancels your journey with no valid reason or a flight is delayed, due to which you have to wait for a long time. In this situation, you can ask the agent to provide compensation for the same, so take a look:

As per the rules, you may receive Philippine Airlines canceled flight compensation of around $600. 

How do I contact PAL to cancel a flight?

You can cancel a flight with PAL is through making a phone call on their phone number 1 (800) 435-9725, where you will get a real person. However, you will not connect straight to the agent; you will have to listen to certain IVRs, out of which one has to be chosen in order to get an executive. And speak out whatever concern you have related to cancelation, process, etc.