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How to cancel a WestJet flight ticket?

How do I cancel a WestJet reservation?

The WestJet cancellation process is very easy and quick if you go for the online mode, which includes the official webpage of WestJet, where you will get the option of cancellation. You can cancel the WestJet reservation through offline mode. You can contact the customer service executive that will guide you through the cancellation process, or you can tell him the booking reference number and other travel details so that it will be easier for the live person to confirm your flight booking cancellation.

Cancel WestJet flight booking online

  1. Visit
  2. Then tap on the "Manage trip" button and select the manage booking option.
  3. After that enter your "reservation code" and "last name" and click on the search button.
  4. Then choose the booking that you want to cancel.
  5. The airlines send an email confirmation for flight cancellation.

The airline provides other services, which include flight facilities that you can process through digital platforms such as flight booking, flight status, flight refund, and flight cancellations. Still, it all can be possible if the respective person goes through the WestJet flight cancellation policy made under senior authorities' supervision. The policies are designed so that none of their passengers feel partiality or unsafe while canceling.

What is Westjet's cancellation policy?

  • If the passengers cancel their flight ticket within 24 hours of booking, then the airline will not deduct any cancellation charge from your flight fare but will provide you the full refund at your account details.
  • On the other hand, if the following person cancels their flight ticket after 24 hours of booking, then the airline will deliver you the refund after deducting the cancellation charge.
  • In case you have canceled your ticket due to some mishap in your family where your loved ones died, you deposited the necessary supporting documents related to death. The airline authority will verify your document and provide you with the refund to your mentioned payment account address.
  • In the worst-case scenario, where the climatic condition is not so suitable to fly, or there is some technical fault that can cause in delay of the flight so in, the case airline can cancel or delay the flight, and the passengers have the right to ask for the refund from the airline. Westjet will refund you.

How much does it cost to cancel a flight with WestJet?

The WestJet cancellation fee issued by the airline if you are traveling to North America, including Mexico, will charge 100$; on the other hand, if you are traveling to a destination outside of North America, the charge will be around 250$, and for business class is 400$.

How long do I have to cancel a WestJet flight?

Westjet provides freedom to their customers by giving them a time limit to Cancel WestJet flights; you can cancel or change your flight 2 hours before the departure schedule. If you want to save your money on your cancellation to use your dollars on other expenses, then you can make a Westjet flight cancellation within 24 hours to avoid any late fee or fine.

Cancellation can be possible with the Westjet airline, but you need to pay some extra charges on your cancellation if you exceed the 24 hours time limit, and the cancellation charges depend on the type of flight.

If you need further assistance related to canceling a flight with Westjet, you can easily talk to a Westjet agent by dialing hotline 1-888-937-8538 and get a proper solution.


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