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How do I get a call back from WestJet?

How do I request a call back to WestJet?

WestJet provides several ways to contact its customer support team. However, you can also request to call back from Westjet if the waiting time is longer. Callbacks are available only to guests in the United Kingdom, Canada, or America. To avoid inconvenience, you must request a WestJet call back to the correct department. For instance, If you have to discuss any general queries or booking-related queries, you can use the General Inquiries callback form. At the same time, you must use the Westjet vacation callback form to get assistance with your WestJet vacation bookings.

Ways to arrange a callback from a WestJet agent

If you wish to contact WestJet live representative for issues that cannot be fixed online, you can always proceed with the callback request. If you don't know how it works, follow the procedure explained below.

Steps to request a callback from Westjet

  1. Get on the official website of Westjet online and locate the contact us page.
  2. On the customer support page, go to the section 'contact us by phone'.
  3. Now visit the link "request a callback from Westjet".
  4. On the new page, you get two options to request a call back; General inquiries and Vacation Inquiries.
  5. You can choose the one that suits you and open the callback request form associated with your query.
  6. Now on the callback request form, enter the date, choose the time, and enter your phone number to schedule a callback.
  7. After you fill in all the details, you need to click on submit button to share the form.
  8. Once you submit the form, the WestJet representative will call you back as per your desired time.

Remember:- When you opt for General inquiries WestJet call back request form, the service is available 24/7. However, if you request a callback for Vacation inquiries, it is available during business hours only. You can check the times available on the form itself.

Why are WestJet call times so high?

Westjet always provides instant support to its customers worldwide. However, recently it has been realized that call times are higher than usual. According to WestJet professionals, the call times are high due to increased demand and high call volumes; the WestJet call back time is higher.

In that case, you don't need to stick with call support only; you can opt for other customer support options also available on the support page of WestJet. The other contact options include chat support, email support, social media networks, mailing, etc. Depending on your choice, interest, and requirement, you can opt for any contact options available on the page.


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